It has been another very long time for me to blogging again.
I wonder why I no longer write lately
Is it because of busy?
I don't know. I just feel like I have nothing to write where nobody is going to watch. What am I really looking for?
Only GOD knows
This is the last semester of my beta year. With a blink of eyes,it going to reach the end of the semester. Did I learn anything? Did I improve myself?
I wish I can answer you
As time pass, I feel like I am too emotional inside myself. I don't know why but I feel angry, upset, dissapointed and cry easily.
I know I am escaping from something, but what is THAT? what am I really afraid of?
I promise myself that after this semester, I am going to grow.
To become somebody I used to be
Somebody tougher and better
I miss the old me
I used to be tough and emotional control
I admire myself that time
But not anymore
I really need to find myself back
I don't like show all my feelings out and let people judge me
People that thinks he really know the real me
I want to be tough
I want to prove that I am worthwhile
I don't like people underestimated me where I am so much better than them
I don't like people judge me
I need to find myself back
By the way, did anybody reckon that my writing is suck ?
Yeah, I seriously can feel that.
It keep stuck when I was writing this
Jezz, I used to love writing journals, letters, blogs
But now?
Time pass and I feel that I am not improving!
I watch a movie, it says
"If you cannot wake up tomorrow, it means today is your last day. Ask yourself, did the things you have done will make you proud? If no, then you should work hard."
Honestly, I was. But, not now.
I want to help people that need my help
I want to spend my time usefully
Not with all the games and drama
I want to live for a better life
For myself
For my parents
For anybody who cares
let it no regrets
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