boring stiff...
nothing to do everyday..
for me...
it is really a wasting of time..
it is almost like the winter of the day...
so terible horible and vegetable...
sometime i wish i can find something really usefull to do everyday...
at least i am not wasting of time..
these few months..

it is kinda tortucher...
my godness...
always stay at home...
it is really boring and useless...
i wonder when i can get to study again.,
at least ...
i have something to do...
the only thing that can make me happy is my accounts and some books....
this is the time when i feel myself is usefull...
feel myself din waste times...
there is always boring...
i dont want to watch movies..
don't want to online...
don't want to play games...
not everyday...

try imagine that everyday doing the same thing...
my godness...
people can die there...
i hope this winter no longer stay around me..
i hope to find something really useful to myself..
nice poem enjoyed it to set free from my boredom