Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dress Day 2

Well, today it's time for shopping
But I am not that happy to be around with her

I found some dress
But it suppose to be RM60 plus minus the shop sell RM200

Then the stories kept going
I guess I don't have to say much
Nothing end up nice

We did found some dresses
Cheap and not bad one
I doesn't look like last time where most of the clothes are fine
I look plummy
Know what did my sister said?
"You are fat, of course it looks fat"
"Come on, you wear what also look fat cause you are fat man"

When I come back home
My dad was trying to make joke
But it wasn't funny
It was hurt
It IS hurt
"You can't find any dress is either your stomach shown or your shoulder looks fat"

Even my mother doesn't help much
"I have to remind you, during your internship, you will gain more weight"

I gain weight doesn't cause any problem to anybody
I gain weight doesn't affect anybody
Why you guys have to do this to me?

My boyfriend
I know he cares
He mentioned it before
HE just pretend that he doesn't care

I mean
Why everyone so care about it so much?

I don't hate my look
I don't hate my weight
I am happy with it

But I feel like I going back again with my primary school life where everyone is talking about my weight

I feel like want to cry
But I have to pretend like nothing happen

I want to be strong
But I really really want to find a place to cry
Can I?

I know I can't

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