Hui Ming fetch us go there and we nearly crash into accident during the journey but it is lucky that we are fine.. haha.. but i can't say that to her car.. her car had crash a little bit and that bother her alots cause she worry about what her father would say.. then we started the shopping.. well.. actually it had not been lots of shopping there cause we all had the same purpose - mother's day present.. which is totally easy for our mum cause we know what to buy her - a wine.. and for hui ming.. i can't say her mum is a lucky woman or hui ming is an unlukcky daughter.. her mum have everything and she don't know what to buy for her.. we walk and walk all day still can't find anything that her mum don't have.. haix.. so she still don't buy anyting for her mother YET.. poor girl.. want to see my mothers day present? haha..

then we went to watch movie.. since it is Friday noon and the movie had been played for very long time ago.. so it don't have so many people in the cinema.. we sat at the couple sit.. haha.. it is so funny that we had to sit beside sister's couple sit.. haha.. we din even want to look at them same as they don't want to look at us.. but it had sometime that when i want to call her i hid his hand.. urgh.. so ashamed.. ZZZ... after watching the movie.. we wanted to play boling.. but it scared me a little bit cause i never play before and i am going to be embarrased myself in the room.. lucky to me i can say that there are no more "space" for us and we had to wait.. haha.. so we turn out to play ding ding.. my old favourite entertainment center.. haha..
it is really reallly long time i don't be there.. haha.. we raced car which is my favourite game.. hehe.. because i had been sooooo long for not been played so i look little clumsy.. haha. but not with a miss bigger and beside me.. haha.. she is realy suck.. wahahahaha.. i can wait for her in the middle of the game.. kakakkazzz.. hahah.. in a little short word.. she lose and i beat her easily and badly.. haha.. but i am not going to say that to hui ming.. cause she is good.. haha.. half fight.. hehe.. then we play drum.. haha.. it is so funny.. we hid it togther in one game of course it is going to be perfect.. haha.. not bad.. and we hid it seriously hard.. haha.. he said:" there are only two possibility.. either all of you had so long don't play and every high or you all really frustrated and need somthing to hit of.." haha.. he is so funny.. he looked us play like crazxy monkey there helplessly.. haha.. all his job is to take care our bag and take the token areound with us.. haha.. nice~~..hehe.. we played basketball too!! haha.. we did scored good.. haha... not bad to me.. haha.. it is fun and tird and hot and sweaty.. haha..

because of our craziness.. we went home late and traffic jams and i had to rush to prepare for dinner BEFORE mum come back.. it is really tired.. haha.. rush like crazy maniac.. haha.. but it worth it.. haha..
everything is so happy and perfect until mum home.. her car hmm.. what can i say.. need to be repair badly.. haix.. she in bad mood and dad too.. urgh.. ruin everthing.. haix.. whatever.. i am very tired to bother those two maniac.. haix.. do whatever they like i don't care.. cause i am happy enough..
i went to bed eearly that night.. haha.. no doubt i sleep like a pig.. haha.. no more nightmares tonight i can say that.. and i am glad.. cause i must be really exshouted.. haha.. soon.. it is time to go.. this will be one of my sweet meemories.. lobve you.. ^^
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