I am looking for some balance
Some solution
Can I really get answer?
Well, I missed him
I want to see him
I really do
I didn't because I don't want to hurt Jack
I don't want let him so difficult
But he seems like doesn't understand what I mean all these time
He wanted me to stop contact him
But even if I did
I still miss him
I know Jack is working really hard to get near me
But the nearer he tries to get, the further I get
I want to just break up with him
But I just can't
It's very cruel to him
But it's cruel to both of THEM as well
If continue like this
Both will kill me before I can slowly drown myself
Sometime I wish that I can just let go Jack
But there is something still prevent us from leaving
I don't know why
Like we already get used with each other
Sometime I want to be with him
But I am afraid
Really really really afraid
And I don't know what I am afraid of
Sometime I want to be just who I am
It's obviously I am running from the main problem
Tell me now
What should I do?
There is no more balance between us
3 of us is out of balance
How to solve it?!
I seeking for help
Everybody ask me don't let go Jack
He is like born to match me
He fits me just nice
Like nobody will
Seriously, I know
But, can we got through this?
Some of them ask me to follow my feelings
But is it right?
Will it end up a mistakes?
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